Are You Looking to Hire? Let Us Help
There is an exciting new initiative in the Central City to help to match our local businesses that are hiring with those that may be searching for employment in our city’s neighborhoods.
In summary, beginning Wednesday, May 5 (during National Small Business Week) and each Wednesday through June 16 (7 weeks), Central City PBIDs will be running a campaign to promote businesses that are hiring, offering interviews, drop-ins, and/or accepting applications while our partners will be leading outreach to their constituencies to encourage potential candidates to apply. We are partnering with La Familia, Urban League of Greater Sacramento, Asian Resources Inc., SETA, California Restaurant Foundation and adding more partners as we speak. To make it easier to access the Central City, SacRT is also going to partner with us to provide free rides to reduce transportation barriers. is where we will direct links to businesses that are hiring and plan to update it weekly.
Please contact us at if you would like to be included on the website and promotions.